We would like to give you some information about our Gear.We have a Colt DC with a Moongoose Trailer.I know it sounds funny to go with Trailer but I think it should be possible.Car is kitted out for 4x4 Trips wich includes Snorkel,Air Suspension,Freeflow Exaust and Packing System including Fridge,Freezer.Trailer is 4x4 and tires are same as Car.This includes a tent.
To test the whole Setup we will go in September for two months to Namibia.Start will be in Richtersveld and we will go right up to Angola Border.On this Trip we will see what is too little or to much on Gear.We will carry the same as we would when we go up North.
The idea is to start in Zambia,Malawi,Tanzania,Rwanda,Uganda,Kenia,Ethopia,Sudan,Egypt,Libya,Tunesia and Ferry to Italy and then carry on.
And right in the Beginning:Exuse my english,Iam a Kraut.
Maby somebody out there will have some comments about Visas or other matters wich are helpful.